
High quality imagery enhances your brand impact online, in print and on social media

It’s been said many times in many ways over many years, and it is a truism not a cliché – a picture really is worth a thousand words. The human brain reacts much more quickly to imagery compared to words. A picture connects at an emotional level, we absorb information faster, and we remember more. So however good your copywriting is, great photography will substantially increase its impact. And conversely of course, poor quality imagery can damage your brand reputation.

Most businesses recognise the importance of good photography when developing a corporate brochure, but there are still many that let themselves down in other media – especially on e-commerce sites and in product catalogues. We believe great photography should enhance and support your image and your message anywhere and everywhere.

Why room 11?

Room 11 provides creative, affordable, high quality full-service photography from our studio in Godalming (near Guildford) and on location throughout Surrey and the South East.

As well as having the skills and equipment to take beautiful shots, our graphic design expertise means we can help you with the overall concept. Ranging from the design and layout that will feature your photographs to art direction and styling advice for the more complex projects. We also offer photo retouching and image manipulation.

We take a creative approach with every project to deliver quality photography that builds a unique style for your brand.

Contact us

If you want help showing off your products or services in the best possible light, email or call us for a professional discussion, definitely not a snap chat.