Deciding whether or not to invest in a rebrand is a big decision.

The cost and time involved make it a big commitment for you and your team. And then there are your customers. What will they think about the changes? Will it change their attitude toward your business?

Rebranding is the kind of thing that many design agencies get very excited about. Done successfully, a rebrand goes beyond being a creative exercise. It requires a lot of strategy and research. That’s why everyone involved in the project needs to be fully prepared and in agreement before investing in such an important project.

There are a multitude of rebranding options available, from a small brand refresh through to a large-scale rebrand such as Facebook’s relaunch to Meta. So how do you know when it’s time for a rebrand?

Here are our top five signs that it’s time for a rebrand.

Sign 1. Your brand is outdated.

If looking at your brand materials feels like more of a walk down memory lane than you’d like, it’s time to switch things up. But first, stop. What you think is not as important as what your customers and target audience think.

Look at things from their perspective and find out how you stack up against your competition. It’s especially important to consider how your branding works on newer digital platforms. What might have worked ten years ago could look clunky and outdated in comparison to everyone else.

Evaluate your branding in terms of clarity, definition and impact – and remember that when it comes to branding, your competitive field is wider than you might have realised. We’d recommend you look beyond the brands that operate within your industry. Instead consider brands from other industries that talk to the same audience, as this gives you a truer picture of what your audience is used to seeing.

Sign 2. Your brand no longer reflects what you do and offer

Chances are that the way you work has evolved. This might be in terms of the service and products you offer or could be related to your overall business vision. This is big news when it comes to branding.

Again, the best thing to do here is to talk to your customer base. What kind of things do your clients and customers associate with your branding? How does your branding make them feel? These are quite abstract questions, which is why many brands call in a professional researcher to help with this aspect. It’s money and time well invested!

Sign 3. You’ve merged with another company or acquired a new brand

Growth is good but can play havoc with branding if it involves a merger or acquisition. If you’ve expanded your business and now have another brand in your stable, what does this mean for your branding? As tempting as it is to join the two brands together, or to simply transfer the new brand to yours, this can alienate customers and result in lost sales.

A skilled design agency will be able to suggest ways of combining two brands or transitioning from one brand to another while keeping your customers on-side.

Sign 4. Your brand keeps getting confused with other brands

Distinctiveness is an essential element of effective branding. If you’ve found that your branding is getting confused with someone else’s – whether that’s a competitor or a company operating in a different sector – it’s time to switch things up.

Brands operating the same industry often opt for the same colours and fonts. While this is understandable, it can create confusion. For example, accountancy-focused businesses tend to feature a lot of blue in their branding. And if you look at industries associated with horticulture, you’ll notice lots of green. While this might feel comfortable for the business owners and marketing teams, it risks confusion with other brands. Being bolder and daring to use a different colour palette can help your brand stand out and support the other great work you do to differentiate your product or service.

Sign 5. Your target market has changed

Target markets change for one of two reasons. Either you’re offering new products and services to a new group of people, or your clients and customers are supremely loyal and they’re changing (i.e., they’re getting older).

The first option is preferable, but the second option happens a lot as well. In either case, it’s sensible to refresh your branding accordingly. Again, research should be your first port of call. Who do you talk to? Who do you want to talk to? Beware of alienating loyal customers or clients with your new branding. If you want to do something very dramatic, it is often wise to do this in stages, helping your loyal customers move with you as you shift your image.

Is it time to refresh your branding?

Room11 has supported brands in a range of industries with rebranding. From full-scale transformations to a subtle refresh, we’re here to breathe new life into your branding. Get in touch to find out more about how we work.


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