To outsource or not...?

As an organisation grows, the time will come when you face the conundrum of deciding whether to outsource your design and marketing activity or build an internal team.

In most cases, organisations choose to build an internal team first. Then as projects mount up and capacity starts to dwindle they start to outsource their design requirements.

Why work with a design agency?

Working with an external design agency means a fresh approach, free from preconceptions. (You also get the added bonus of convenience and cost effectiveness, which we’ll talk about in a bit…)

You can ask an agency to do many things for you. Perhaps you need a creative project to use internally? Maybe you want to drive leads for a new launch? Or do you need to help your sales force close sales?

However you use your design agency, the impact is the same; creativity, flexibility and an overwhelming desire to please.

“They are unique – a team who have all the ability but also such compassion, care and pride in their work.”
Mane Chance

Accommodating and available

Let’s say you want 30 x 24 page product lists in January, 10 e-shot campaigns in February and then just two LinkedIn posts in March? Not a problem.

The beauty of using an external agency is their ability to flex with your needs. Not only can you use their capabilities, but you can also use the full breadth and depth of their abilities.

And of course, you get access to their little black book of contacts too.

Talking of which, if you need 3D renders, a short animation (plus voiceover) and an animation, your design agency can do that for you. They’ll simply use their network of trusted and like-minded counterparts before cracking on with the task in hand.

You’ll be refreshingly free of the considerations that can otherwise drag you down. Considerations such as your team’s ability, their need for training and even their capacity to add an extra project to your workload. Simply brief your agency and know it’s in hand.

You don’t need to manage downtime or the idle days and weeks between projects and planning. You don’t need to think about headcount, salary or training costs. And you won’t be thrown off-track when someone hands in their notice or calls in sick.

“Room 11 listen. They take time to understand our issues, aspirations and challenges before proposing any design solution. This never fails to result in powerful, attractive and effective communication.”
Disability Africa

Our investment, your benefit

Work with an external agency and wave farewell to time spent on recruitment, training, hardware and software. There’s no need for your team to attend conferences or exhibitions to stay up-to-date. You don’t even need to subscribe to those (shockingly expensive) industry publications.

That’s because your agency looks after that already. All you need to do is brief your design agency and you can tap into their headcount, experience, creativity, knowledge and expertise. You’ll quickly see the benefits as the work they produce delivers results.

Now of course, they don’t work for free. All that training, all those materials, not to mention the salaries don’t come cheap. But with good planning and a bit of flexibility, it’s easy to control budgets for a sparkling project ROI.

Flexibly yours

Using an external agency gives you that most wonderful of resources, someone else’s flexibility. You can tap into a full team of designers who will jump onto your project for you, turning it around to suit your timescales.

And there’s more...

Using a high-quality design agency means brand ambassadors at no extra cost. You get people who are truly invested in your organisation and who will move mountains to make sure you LOVE the work they do. They relish new opportunities and devour challenging projects while all the time ensuring you are happy with their work.

Could the same be said of a small internal team of designers?

Working with Room11 Design

With proven experience in multiple sectors and a host of abilities, Room11 is an agency you can turn to time and time again for a fresh perspective and true adaptability.

Whatever your situation, problem, opportunity or ambition, we can help.

“Please may I take a moment to say a wholehearted THANK YOU for your services. Your professionalism is outstanding, your support, patience and willingness to help is thoroughly and sincerely appreciated. It is an utmost pleasure working with you, looking forward to continuing working with you all!”
Foodology by Univar Solutions


Get in touch

Online, on the phone, or over a cuppa, we love to talk to you about how we can help with your future design needs.

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