Website Features

The Mitch Griffiths website contains a number of features to allow Mitch's work to be viewed without any distraction, and to ensure the user feels engaged with how the artwork is presented.

Below are a selection of the features implemented within this website.

  • Responsive full width design
  • Bespoke lightbox gallery
  • Horizontal scrolling navigation
  • Full screen video
  • Dynamic page layout

A modern twist on 'old master' style paintings

Mitch Griffiths uses a traditional, almost forgotten style of painting, inspired by the light and composition of Old Master paintings, but he uses this style to depict the issues concerning 21st-century British society. His main subject is the transient and throwaway nature of contemporary culture, which is held in stark contrast to the permanence and indelibility of oil paint on canvas.

A fully content managed responsive website with full screen video, bespoke galleries and more. Giving you access into the world and studio of the prominent portrait artist and his work both past and present.

Visit the site here

Room 11 have produced a great online platform for me to showcase my work in a clean and engaging format.

Mitch Griffiths

Related Work

Why room 11?

From the early days of the web we have been creating impactful, informative, functional (and sometimes downright funky) sites for clients large and small in the Guildford, Surrey area, across the South-East and beyond.

Whatever the scale of the project you have in mind, we follow the same principles. We will start by asking you detailed questions to get a deep understanding of your business, and discuss how your website could help you achieve your business goals. What role will your website play in your overall strategy? How can we improve your visitors’ experience? What can your website offer that your competitors’ don’t?

We’ll work with you throughout the development process, and continue to work with you after launch, to ensure the design and functionality is delivering everything you and your customers need.


Online, on the phone, or over a coffee, we’d love to talk to you about how we can help make your website an asset to be proud of. Challenge us now!